Impact Amplifier has just released a supply chain assessment for one of its international food retail clients regarding the production of chilli by small farmers in Malawi and Zimbabwe. For purposes of confidentiality, the client will remain anonymous.
This food retailer has shifted its chilli production capacity from commercial to small scale farmer in three Southern African countries as a means of using its supply chain to impact rural poverty. Currently, it produces chilli in 12 regions in these countries using a total of just over 1,100 farmers.
This report reviews the farmers by area, plot sizes, yields, gross and net incomes from chilli production. This report is complimented by an impact report, to be released in early 2017 for both the 2015 and 2016 seasons, which reviews how growing chilli has affected the health care, education, housing, water, energy and food security of the farmers involved.
Access the report here.